The Weapons of Our Warfare Seminar
in Cornwall, England



God bless you in the powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Cornwall Weapons of our Warfare seminar was not your average type of get together. It was more uplifting, more fulfilling and eye-opening than I have ever experienced in my life.

In the last few years I have learnt an awful lot and have advanced because of it. But in Cornwall, God’s Word became more and more personal to the extent that I realized that what I learn is very serious. When God reveals things to you, the deeper you go with no turning back, and with that there are tremendous responsibilities that you have to be prepared to take on.

I have never seen so many people’s lives change so quickly, positively, peacefully in just one week. The teaching was very compact. Therefore we needed an ideal place to be able to concentrate 100% away from every day distractions. God obviously worked in Jerome’s heart to place us in Cornwall, as it was the perfect setting, beautiful scenery, peaceful and quiet. Everything was so well organized it went like clockwork, with all the helping, loving hands of God’s children putting into practice what they have been taught by God’s Word. To see this was something special.

Tim delivered God’s Word with such truth, so spiritually eye-opening and concise, it was pure luxury to be a part of it. Tim shared a few moving personal experiences that affected his life, and many people there could relate to what he shared as they had gone through similar experiences. Therefore it was a valuable sharing message to all in some way or another, and it was nice to know we are not the only ones going through what we have to go through.

Tim was down to earth and humble, letting God lead the lesson. This is how I also believe it should be taught. All glory, all praises goes to no-one but to our Heavenly Father and not to man. It was refreshing to hear the truth as it is with nothing taken away or added and with every statement backed up with God’s Word.

It was great to have a syllabus with all the lessons and verses from the King James Bible already written down for us, as we were able to give 100% of our attention to the teaching, making some notes instead of trying to write everything down. Now it is there whenever we need to go over anything, reflect on or share with others.

It was so godly how everyone lived, shared, helped each other and talked about God’s Word so freely. This is something you cannot do so easily in the world today. Maybe it is a small taste of what it will be like when JESUS CHRIST returns (may He come soon to deliver us from this evil world to where we really belong).

It was a blessing and a glorious sight to have witnessed a beautiful double rainbow after one class session, maybe to make us realize that sometimes He gives us signs to remind us of His promises. Having the baptism and the prophecy really put the icing on the cake. It was like the seal of our commitment to our Heavenly Father that we have been chosen and called by God to walk as purely as possible like our Saviour Jesus Christ. To show yourself approved and to walk in the light, showing yourself accountable to everything you say and do, that you are truly God’s child and not only by name.

What I experienced is hard to put into words. For others to understand it, they have to live through it and experience it themselves. May God bless them as much as He blessed me that week in taking a big step forward towards our Heavenly Father.

Cyndi Diamond
London, England


From the August 2000 edition of the Vine & Branches